A 35 year old female presented with shortness of breath and chest pain

 This is an E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable comments in comment box are most welcomed 

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "Patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency i reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.  

A 35 year old female resident of miryalaguda,store worker by occupation came to ODP with chief complaints of

• fever since 11days
•cough since 8days
• breathlessness since 8days
•chest pain since 8days

History of presenting illness

patient was apparently asymptomatic 11 days back then she developed fever which was insidious in onset, continuous,low grade associated with chills and rigor,no diurnal variation relieved on medication. 

She also developed cough 8days ago which was insidious in onset, gradual progressive, productive ,mucopurulent in nature ,non foul smelling,blood tinged sputum(8-10 episodes)for 2days subsided with medications, no seasonal, diurnal and postural variations and relieved on taking medications.

Patient also developed breathlessness 8days ago  which was insidious in onset, grade 2 (MMRC), no postural variations, aggravated on exposure to cold air and dust,seasonal variations present. 

Chest pain since 8 days,left sided, dull aching type of pain, non radiating, aggravated on coughing and increases  on lying to right side. 

No history of sore throat,chest trauma
No history of orthopnea,pnd.

No history of chest tightness, palpitations, burning micturition, loss of weight, and loss of appetite. 

She got admitted to other hospital on 26 december( with chest pain, cough and breathlessness) , where she was on nebuliser for 2 days then she got discharged.  
Then after 2 days she again had the symptoms for which she was referred to our hospital, and got admitted on 3rd january. 

Past history
No similar complaints in the past
History of asthma since 6years for which she uses formeteral and budesonide inhaler 
No history of hypertension, diabetes, tuberculosis, thyroid abnormalities
Personal history

Appetite -normal
Sleep- inadequate since 8days due to chest pain
Bowel and bladder-regular

Menstrual history
History of abnormal uterine bleeding for which hysterectomy was done 2years ago

Allergic history
No food allergic and drug allergy 

Family history 
No history of contact with presumptive TB patients

General examination

Patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative moderately built and nourished
No pallor, icterus, clubbing ,no generalized lymphadenopathy no generalized edema

 temperature:- Afebrile
Pulse rate :- 82bpm
Respiratory rate:- 22cpm
Blood pressure:- 130/80 mmHg
SpO2:- 98%

Respiratory system examination

Upper respiratory tract examination:- 

Nose :no dns
Oral cavity:good oral hygeine, no loss of tooth, caries

Lower respiratory tract examination:- 

Shape of chest:- elliptical, bilateral symmetrical chest, 
trachea appears to be in centre,
no supraclavicular and infraclavicular hollowness ,
chest movements equal on both sides, no chest retractions, 
spinoscapular distance appears to be equal on both sides.
Apical impulse not visible, 
no scars, sinuses and engorged vein, no kyphosis and scoliosis. 

no local rise of temperature, no tenderness. 
Trachea is centre, 
apex beat -left 5th intercostal space medial to midclavicular line. 
Tactile vocal fremitus decreased on left infrascapular area, interscapular area, mammary area, infra axillary area

Measurements:- AP :- 30 cms, transverse:- 34 cms
Chest circumference:- on inspiration -113 cm, on expiration :- 110 cm
Right hemithorax:- 55cm   left hemithorax:-56cm

direct - resonant, 
indirect -dull note in left infrascapular area, interscapular area,infra axillary area. 

bilateral air entry present, decreased breath sounds in infrascapular area,infra axillary area
Cvs Examination:- 

on inspection shape of chest normal, no visible pulsations, no engorged veins present. 
Palpation:- apex beat over left 5th intercostal space medial to midclavicular line. Jvp not elevated, no parasternal heaves
Auscultation:- s1  and s2 heard no murmurs heard.

CNS examination:-
no neurological deficits

Abdominal examination:- no organomegaly

Provisional Diagnosis:- 

pleural effusion secondary to acute exacerbation of asthma?? Viral pneumonia?? Tuberculosis?


Complete blood picture
Total count_12,800
Neutrophils -70%
Eosinophils -2%
Platelet count-4.24
Smear-normocytic normochromic blood picture with leucocytosis 

Serum electrolytes

Potassium -4.3
Calcium ionized-0.94


Liver function test

Total bilirubin -0.73mg/dl
Direct bilirubin-0.19
SGPT- 31
Alkaline phosphatase-147
Total proteins-7.8

Uric acid -3mg%
Blood urea-24mg/dl
serum creatinine -0.7

Serology -negative
HbsAg -negative
HepBAg- negative
Anti HCV ab-non reactive
Sputum CBNAAT - negative(28/12/2022)


ON 28.12.2022
ON 2-01-2023

Non resolving pneumonia with left lower lobe consolidation with signs of pleural effusion     ?CAP

Nebulizer with ipravent 6hrly
  Nebulizer with budecort 8th hrly
Monitor vitals
T.Montek -LC OD
Inj.ceftriasone 1gm IV BD
Inj.pan 40mg IV OD
Inj neomol/100ml
Syp. ascoril 2tsp TID


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